… And please pardon our dust as we build a better website to keep you connected with our work on the White Earth Reservation.
Hope for the First Nations has been partnering with the people of the White Earth Reservation in northern Minnesota since 1997. The faces of our team members and friends on the reservation may have changed over the years, but our goal has remained the same: to partner with the community of White Earth and to share the love of Jesus Christ.
Our major project each year is our weeklong, summertime Hope day camps for children ages 4 through 12 in communities across the reservation. The kids get to play games, make crafts, sing songs and learn about Creator. We have snacks and lunch every day and end the week with a community dinner.
We also organize trips throughout the year to visit our friends and offer our hands and resources at powwow, at Christmastime and on other projects, as requested.
And several of our team members have found homes and jobs on or near the reservation, making our vision of a permanent presence on the reservation come closer to reality.
We’ve grown a lot from a team of nine high school students and one teacher leading Vacation Bible School for 18 kids. The only unfortunate part of this growth is that our normal sources of funding no longer are enough to support our work.
Please click here to find out how you can help us as we continue to grow.
Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
Pray for us.
And stay tuned to this space.