10 quotes on love and justice from The Justice Conference in Chicago
Photo via The Justice Conference on Facebook.
It’s a word you’ll hear us use a lot at Hope for the First Nations.
It’s right there in our mission statement: “Sharing the love of Christ in culturally relevant ways.”
And it came up a lot at The Justice Conference in Chicago.
After all, as Cornel West told thousands of conference-goers, “Justice and love are not identical, but they are indivisible.”
This past weekend, as our team from Living Life Reformed Church in Firth, Nebraska, traveled to the White Earth Reservation in Minnesota to launch our first two Hope day camps of the summer, several team members from Chicago attended the two-day conference.
The Justice Conference is sponsored by World Relief; hosted in Chicago, Hong Kong and Melbourne; and streamed all over the world. It is one of the largest biblical and social justice conferences in the world, serving the discovery of ideas, celebrating the beauty of justice and fostering a community of people who live justice together, according to its website.
Here are a 10 of quotes on love and justice from speakers at the conference we still are meditating on this week.
Cornel West
Learn to love. “That’s it. The rest is not your business.”
“Love your way through the darkness.”
Eugene Cho
The Bible doesn’t say, “Seek justice, love mercy and … seek justice.” It’s “walk humbly.” We must remain humble. We must remember why it is we seek justice. Because “everybody loves justice until there’s a cost.”
“Everything we do is a response to God’s love.”
“Let’s do what we can, and let’s do it with love, integrity and with justice in mind. In a way, that reflects God’s glory.”
Bob Goff
“Love everybody always.”
“We will be known for our opinions, but we will be remembered for our love.”
Don’t try to close the deal for Jesus. Just “talk about the stuff you love.”
Ken Wytsma
The opposite of poverty is community. The opposite of injustice is love.
Ann Voskamp
Caring is not a Christian pastime or nicety. “We are here to care like a boss.”